President’s Day Holiday Hours 2025

  At DTN, we are committed to serving our customers. DTN Customer Service will be available during normal working hours to help you.         President’s Day 2025 Holiday Schedule All times are Central Standard unless otherwise noted   Sunday, February 16, 2025 CFE VX, VXM, Ameribor 5:00 p.m. open for trade date

CME Micro contract changes

DTN has been informed by the CME that Micro contracts are not eligible for the E-mini reduced rate packages. We will be removing all Micro based roots from these packages. To continue to get Micro contracts in real time, you will need to subscribe to the full rate CME or CBOT exchange fee. The change

Option Market Stats Changes

Effective August 27th, 2023, we will no longer be calculating exchange-specific option market statistics. Rather, the statistics will be composite totals. The [exchange identifier] will now be O for all statistics.  For example: [Type] + [option type] + [exchange identifier] + [symbol type] + [descriptor] + [.Z] =  Options Market Stat OPOT.Z =  OPTION PUT

WASDE Ticker Symbol Enhancements – 2022/02/07

In a recent release, DTN has made several improvements to the ticker symbols for the WASDE report! The existing symbols have not changed and will continue to update as they have, however they have been enhanced: Multiple fields (FIDs) have been populated to note the marketing year. Date Range: Available in Quote displays (e.g., Quote

Index Changes & New Symbols

Changes: To make our data handling more consistent, SOFR.X and EFFR.X will now reflect the trade date and history date for the business day they represent. This will result in changes in the historical data for these symbols, essentially shifting the values backwards 1 day. This change will be effective as of 8:00 a.m. CT, February 4,  2023. New

CME Changes Lead Month Roll Procedure – Update

Effective Sunday, June 12 (trade date Monday, June 13), the lead month roll procedure for E-mini S&P 500 and Micro E-mini S&P 500 futures will be amended on CME Globex as follows: Update 7/18/2022 The above Roll Rules will also impact the following contracts: @NQ @EMD @RTY @YM This will include the micros also.

Beta Release of IQFeed 6.2 is now Available

We have added some new Features and Functionality. NEW FEATURE – IQFeed core components are now 64bit.  This includes IQConnect and all display applications/utilities distributed with the feed but does not include legacy EOL components that are distributed for backwards compatibility. NEW FEATURE – MBO and unlimited depth price levels for futures symbols on exchanges

President’s Day Customer Service Hours

  At DTN, we are committed to serving our customers, so Customer Service will be available during normal working hours on February 15th to help you. Please click here to view the President’s Day Holiday Exchange Schedule!