Modify Charts Help
You can modify Price Charts and Candlestick Charts by deleting and restoring tick marks or minute bars. You can also change your selections such as the symbol or increment and redraw the Chart.
Tip: You can display Charts for different settings by opening multiple DTN.IQ Chart windows and drawing a different Chart in each window.
To delete/restore ticks from a Chart:
- From the DTN_IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon.
- Draw a Chart.
- To delete a tick:
- Right click on the tick you want to delete.
The Tick Deleting dialog box appears.
- Click on OK to delete the tick.
- Repeat to delete additional ticks.
The system deletes the tick and redraws the Chart.
- To restore deleted ticks:
- Right click on an empty area of the Chart.
- From the popup menu, click on Restore Ticks.
The Tick Reloading dialog box appears.
- Click on OK to restore the deleted ticks.
The system restores the deleted ticks and redraws the Chart.
To delete/restore minute bars from a Chart:
- From the DTN.IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon.
- Draw a Chart.
- To delete a minute bar:
- Right click on the top of the minute bar you want to delete.
The Delete Bar dialog box appears.
- Click on OK to delete the bar.
- Repeat to delete additional bars.
The system deletes the minute bar and redraws the Chart.
- To restore deleted minute bars:
- Right click on an empty area of the Chart.
- From the popup menu, click on Restore Minute Bars.
The Minute Reloading dialog box appears.
- Click on OK to restore the deleted minute bars.
The system restores the deleted minute bars and redraws the Chart.
To redraw a chart:
- Draw a DTN.IQ Chart for selected settings.
- From the Chart toolbar, select the new settings, such as changing tick to minute or selecting a different equity symbol.
- Click on the toolbar Draw Chart icon.
The system redraws the Chart for the new settings.
Tip: If you want to see data for different settings, such as a Price Chart by tick and a Candlestick Chart by minute, open multiple Chart windows and draw a Chart in each one.
To open multiple chart windows:
- From the DTN_IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon to open the first Chart window.
- Select the settings and draw a Chart.
- Repeat steps 1 and 2 to open additional Chart windows and draw multiple Charts.