Create Time and Sales Tables Help

You can create a Time & Sales table for an equity symbol. You can select a symbol from the Time & Sales symbol menu, which contains up to 12 stocks in the drop down menu.  If you do not know a symbol, you can search for it by company name.

You can use a Time & Sales table to track the progress of a symbol by tick or specified number of minutes. You can also view historical data by day or week. You can select which data to show by hiding selected columns and filtering data.

You can display the following data in a Time & Sales table:

  • Tick data, which are presented in real-time and are dynamic.

Tick data displays each individual trade. As new trades occur, the system redraws the table. For each tick, you can display the time and date of the trade, price, volume, tick volume and bid and ask prices.

  • Minute data, which are presented in real-time and is dynamic.

Minute data is accumulated tick information based on the interval you select. The system redraws the table at each selected interval, such as every 10 minutes.

For minute data, you can display the time and date of the trade, open, high, low, and close prices, volume and incremental volume.

  • Daily, weekly, and monthly data, which are historical data dating back to 1996 for equities and back to 1976 for futures and are not updated dynamically. Daily data is limited to 1000 data points, weekly is 500 data points and monthly is 250 data points.

For daily, weekly, and monthly data, you can display the date, the open, high, low, close, and the volume.

To create a Time & Sales table:

  1. From the DTN.IQ SmartBar, click on the Time & Sales icon. 
  2. Click on the toolbar symbol arrow  and select a symbol. For information on searching for a symbol, see Searching for Symbols on page 13.
  3. Click on the toolbar data type arrow  and select a Time & Sales table type: tick, minute, daily, weekly, or monthly.
  4. If you select minute, from the number of minutes drop-down menu select the minute interval.
  5. Click on the toolbar Get Data icon. 

The system creates the Time & Sales table. It displays upward trend and downward trend data in the colors you selected.

It shows the progress on the Status Bar.

To recreate a Time & Sales table:

  1. Create a DTN.IQ Time & Sales table for selected options.
  2. From the Time & Sales toolbar, select the new options, such as changing tick to minute.
  3. Click on the toolbar Get Data icon. 

The system replaces the data in the existing table with the new data.

Tip: If you want to see data for different options, such as current data for an equity by tick and historical data for that equity by week, or current data for several equities, open multiple Time & Sales windows and create a table in each one.

To set filter conditions for Time & Sales data:

  1. From the DTN.IQ SmartBar, click on the Time & Sales icon. 
  2. Create a Time & Sales table.
  3. Click on the toolbar Filter icon. 


From the right mouse menu, select Filter.

The Set Filter Conditions and Scope dialog box appears.

  1. Select a condition for the Logical Operators:
  • All conditions must be true.


  • Any condition must be true.
  1. For each column on which to set filter conditions, do the following:
  • From the column drop-down list, select the column header.
  • Select an operator.
  • Enter the value to check.

Tips: You can clear all selections for columns, operators, or values. You cannot clear individual selections. You can change an individual selection by making another selection in that box.

  1. Click on Done.

Data meeting the filter criteria are retrieved.

Note: Filtering is done only when you request it, not each time an update tick is received.

 Set Filter Example

To re-display filtered data:

  1. Access a Time & Sales table with filtering.
  2. From the right mouse menu, select Undo filtering.

All data for the selected symbol and options appear.

To open multiple Time & Sales windows:

  1. From the DTN.IQ SmartBar, click on the Time & Sales icon  to open the first Time & Sales window.
  2. Create a Time & Sales table.
  3. Repeat steps 1and 2 to open additional Time & Sales windows and create tables

To search for a company symbol:

  1. From the DTN.IQ SmartBar, click on the Time & Sales icon. 

Note: You can search for a symbol from a blank window or from a window with data.

  1. Click on the Symbol Search icon. 

The Search for Company dialog box appears.

  1. Type the name of the company whose symbol you want.
  2. Click on Search.

The system displays a list of companies and symbols that match the name you entered.

  1. Double-click on the company/symbol.

The Search for Company dialog box closes and the symbol appears in the symbol box on the toolbar.

You can select the type of data (tick, minute, daily, or weekly) and create a Time & Sales table for the symbol.