Customize the Time and Sales Window Help

You can customize the Time & Sales window by selecting fonts, colors, the information you want to display, and prices in decimals or fractions. You can also set defaults for your Time & Sales tick and minute load selections.

You can display data as follows:

  • Tick data for all trades or a specified number of trades
  • Minute data for all days or a specified number of days
  • Daily data for the past two years
  • Weekly data for the past two years

You can select Time & Sales window colors for the following:

  • Background color
  • Text color
  • Color for tick data and symbol showing an upward trend
  • Color for tick data and symbol showing a downward trend

Note: Time & Sales updates the upward and downward trend data in real time.

You can select a font for the Time & Sales window for the following:

  • Column headings and data

To select the order of the data columns to display for Time & Sales:

  1. From the DTN.IQ SmartBar, click on the Time & Sales icon. 
  2. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 


From the right mouse menu, select Settings.

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Click on one of the following tabs:
  • Tick Column Order
  • Minute Column Order
  • Daily/Weekly/Monthly Column Order

Note: Available Columns shows data columns not in the current Time & Sales table. Displayed Columns shows data columns in the current Time & Sales table.

  1. Select columns to include in your Time & Sales table:
  • In the Available Columns list box, highlight a column name and click on Add.

The column name appears in the Displayed Columns list box and is removed from the Available Columns list box.

Tip: You can use the mouse along with the Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple columns.

  1. Select columns to remove from your Time & Sales table:
  • In the Displayed Columns list box, highlight a column name and click on Remove.

The column name appears in the Available Columns list box and is removed from the Displayed Columns list box.

Tip: You can use the mouse along with the Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple columns.

  1. Arrange the order of the columns in your Time & Sales table:
  • In the Displayed Columns list box, highlight a column name.
  • Click on Up or Down.
  1. Click on OK to close the Settings dialog box.

The system redraws the table with the new settings.

To change column widths:

  1. Open a Time & Sales table.
  2. Point to the right column border of the column to adjust.

The cursor changes to a double-headed arrow.

  1. Press and hold the left mouse button and move the cursor
  • Left to decrease the column width.


  • Right to increase the column width.

To select load data options for tick and minute data:

  1. From the DTN.IQ SmartBar, click on the Time & Sales icon. 

Note: You can change this setting from a blank window or from a window with data.

  1. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 


From the right mouse menu, select Settings.

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Select the General tab.
  2. Set Load Tick Data Options:
  • Click on All to display all tick data for the current day.


  • Click on For … ticks.
  • Enter the number of ticks.

Note: The original default is to display 1000 ticks.

  1. Set Load Minute Data Options:
  • Click on All to display data for all days.


  • Click on For … day(s).
  • Enter the number of days.

Note: The original default is to display data for 2 days.

Tip: To use your load data selections as the default, click on Use above load selections as the default to insert a check mark.

To set Time & Sales defaults for tick and minute load data options:

  1. From the DTN.IQ SmartBar, click on the Time & Sales icon. 

Note: You can change this setting from a blank window or from a window with data.

  1. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 


From the right mouse menu, select Settings.

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Select the General tab.
  2. Select your Load Data Options.
  3. Click on Use above load selections as the default to insert a check mark.

Note: The original tick default is 1000 ticks. The original minute default is 2 days. If you do not check the box, the system reverts to these values.

To select the Time & Sales font for column headings and data:

  1. From the DTN.IQ SmartBar, click on the Time & Sales icon. 

Note: You can change this setting from a blank window or from a window with data.

  1. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 


From the right mouse menu, select Settings.

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Select the General tab.
  2. Click on the Font button.

The Font dialog box appears.

  1. From the Font list box, select the font.
  2. From the Font style list box, select Regular, Italic, Bold, or Bold Italic.
  3. From the Size list box, select the font size.

The Sample box displays a sample of the font.

Tip: The default is Arial, Regular, 8.

  1. Click on OK to close the Font dialog box.
  2. Click on OK to close the Settings dialog box.

The system refreshes your Time & Sales table with the new font.

To select the Time & Sales window colors:

  1. From the DTN.IQ SmartBar, click on the Time & Sales icon. 

Note: You can change this setting from a blank window or from a window with data.

  1. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 


From the right mouse menu, select Settings.

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Select the Grid Colors tab.
  2. Double click on the color for one of the following:
    • Background
    • Text
    • UpTick
    • DownTick

The Color dialog box appears.

  1. Select the new color by clicking on it.
  2. Click on OK to close the Color dialog box.
  3. Repeat steps 4 to 6 to select additional colors.
  4. Click on OK to close the Settings dialog box.

The system refreshes your Time & Sales table with the new colors.