Indicators Help

Indicators are used to predict the market’s conditions, such as volume of stock trading, direction of interest rates, and buying or selling of corporate insiders, and to display the overall health of the economy.

From DTN.IQ Chart, you can display or hide Indicator Charts. For each Indicator Chart you can select settings to determine the data to display.

DTN_IQ Chart has the following Indicator Charts:

Indicator Description
Relative Strength Index A comparson of the individual stock’s performance to that of a market index, generally the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Index. Calculated by dividing the stock price by index price. A rising line indicates the stock is doping better than the market. A declining line indicates the stock is not doing as well as the market.
Momentum Use to predict the future market trends based on recent price and volume data.
Rate of Change Difference between the current price and the price from XX days ago expressed as a percentage.
On Balance Volume Momentum indicator that relates volume to price change. Running total volume showing if volume is flowing into or out of a security. When a security closes higher than the previous close, all of the day’s volume is considered up-volume. When a security closes lower than the previous close, all the day’s volume is considered down-volume.
Moving Average Convergence/Divergence Trend following momentum indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of prices. Difference between 26-day and 12-day exponential moving averages.
Stochastics Postion of a stock compared with its most recent trading range. Relationship between closing price of a stock and its high and low during a specific number of days or weeks. As a stock price rise, the closing price tends to be, on average, closer and closer to the extreme highs of the stock. As prices fall, the closing prices tend to fall, on average, closer and closer to the extreme lows.
Volume The total units of a security traded. This data is displayed on the interval of the chart (tick, minute, daily and weekly).
Money Flow A techinal indicator that keeps a running total of the money flowing into and out of a security. Money Flow (MF) is calculated daily by multiplying the number of shares traded by the change in closing price. If prices close higher, money flow is a positive number. If prices close lower, money flow is a negative number. A running total is kept by adding or subtracting the current result from the previous total.
Money Flow Index The Money Flow Index (MFI) is a momentum indicator that measures the strength of money flowing in and out of a security. It is related to the Relative Strength Index, but where the RSI only incorporates prices, the Money Flow Index accounts for volume
Average Directional Movement Index ADX is an oscilator that fluctuates between 0 and 100. Even through the scale is from 1 to 100, readings above 60 are relatively rare. Low readings, below 20, indicatte a weak trend and high readings, above 40, indicate a strong trend. The indicator does not grade the trend as bullish or bearish, but merely assesses the strength of the current trend. A reading above 40 can indicate a strong downtrend as well as a strong uptrend.

To display/hide an Indicator Chart:

  1. From the DTN.IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon . 
  2. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Select the Lower Studies tab.
  2. Select the Indicator from the available Indicators list.
  3. Select the settings for the Indicator Chart. For more information, see below.
  4. Click on OK to save the setting and close the Settings dialog box.

To display a Relative Strength Index Indicator Chart:

  1. From the DTN.IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon. 
  2. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Click on the Lower Studies tab.
  2. Select RSI from the available indicators box and hit ADD to add the indicator to the chart.
  3. Select RSI from the displayed indicators box.  The parameters should appear on the right.  To edit the parameters, follow the instructions below:
  4. Select a Look back Period option.


Click on the Custom option button.

Use the up and down arrows to select a Look back Period.

  1. Use the up and down arrows to select an Upper Level.
  2. Use the up and down arrows to select a Lower Level.
  3. For the Upper Level or Lower Level option:
  • Click on its color box.

The Color dialog box appears.

  • Click on a color.
  • Click on OK to close the Color dialog box.
  1. Click on OK to save the settings and close the Settings dialog box.

To display a Momentum Indicator Chart:

  1. From the DTN.IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon. 
  2. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Select the Lower Studies tab.
  2. Select Momentum from the available Indicators box and click ADD to add the indicator to the chart.
  3. Select Momentum from the displayed indicators box.  The parameters should appear on the right.   To edit, follow the instructions below:
  4. Select a Look back Period option.


Click on the Custom option button.

Use the up and down arrows to select a Look back Period.

  1. Click on the Zero Level Color box

The Color dialog box appears.

  1. Click on a color.
  2. Click on OK to close the Color dialog box.
  3. Click on OK to save the settings and close the Settings dialog box.

To display a Rate of Change Indicator Chart:

  1. From the DTN.IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon. 
  2. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Select the Lower Studies tab.
  2.  Select ROC from the available Indicators box and click ADD to add the indicator to the chart.
  3. Select Rate of Change from the displayed indicators box.   The indicators parameters should appear on the right.  To edit, follow the instructions below:
  4. Select a Look back Period option.


Click on the Custom option button.

Use the up and down arrows to select a Look back Period.

  1. Click on the Color of 100% color box

The Color dialog box appears.

  1. Click on a color.
  2. Click on OK to close the Color dialog box.
  3. Click on OK to save the settings and close the Settings dialog box.

To display an On Balance Volume Indicator Chart:

  1. From the DTN.IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon. 
  2. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Select the Lower Studies tab.
  2. Select OBV from the available indicators box and click ADD to add the indicator to the displayed indicators box.
  3. Select On-Balance Volume from the displayed indicators box.  The indicators parameters should appear on the right.  To edit, follow the instructions below:
  4. Select a Smoothing Period option.


Click on the Custom option button.

Use the up and down arrows to select a Smoothing Period.

  1. Click on the Zero Level Color box

The Color dialog box appears.

  1. Click on a color.
  2. Click on OK to close the Color dialog box.
  3. Click on OK to save the settings and close the Settings dialog box.

To display a Moving Average Convergence/Divergence Indicator Chart:

  1. From the DTN.IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon. 
  2. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Select the Lower Studies tab.
  2. Select MACD from the available indicators box and click ADD to add the indicator to the displayed indicators box.
  3. Select MACD from the displayed indicators box.  The indicators parameters should appear on the right.  To edit, follow the instructions below:
  4. Select a Periods option Buy or Sell.


Click on the Custom option button.

Use the up and down arrows to select values for ShortSignal, and Long.

  1. For the Signal Line Color or the Histogram Color:
  • Click on the color box.

The Color dialog box appears.

  • Click on a color.
  • Click on OK to close the Color dialog box.
  1. Click on OK to save the settings and close the Settings dialog box.

To display a Stochastics Indicator Chart:

  1. From the DTN.IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon . 
  2. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Select the Lower Studies tab.
  2. Select Stochastics from the available indicators box and click to add the indicator to the displayed indicators box.
  3. Select Stochastics from the displayed indicators box.  The indicators parameters should appear on the right.  To edit, follow the instructions below.
  4. Select the Slow or Fast option.
  5. Select a Look back Period.


Click on the Custom option button.

Use the up and down arrows to select a Look back Period.

  1. Use the up and down arrows to select an Upper Level.
  2. Use the up and down arrows to select a Lower Level.
  3. For the Upper LevelLower Level, or Color of %D Line option:
  • Click on its color box.

The Color dialog box appears.

  • Click on a color.
  • Click on OK to close the Color dialog box.
  1. Click on OK to save the setting and close the Settings dialog box.

To display or hide the Volume Chart:

  1. From the DTN.IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon. 
  2. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 
  3. The Settings dialog box appears.
  4. Click on the Lower Studies tab.
  5. Click on Volume in the Available indicators box and then click the add button.
  6. Click the Apply button to add the chart indicator. Click on OK to save your selections and close the Settings dialog box.

To display a Money Flow Indicator Chart:

  1. From the DTN.IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon. 
  2. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Select the Lower Studies tab.
  2. Select Money Flow from the available indicators box and click to add the indicator to the displayed indicators box.
  3. Select Money Flow from the displayed indicators box.  The indicators parameters should appear on the right.  To edit, follow the instructions below.
  4. Select a Look back Period of 14.


Click on the Custom option button.

Use the up and down arrows to select a Look back Period.

  1. For the Positive Flow or Negative Flow option:
  • Click on its color box.

The Color dialog box appears.

  • Click on a color.
  • Click on OK to close the Color dialog box.
  1. Click on OK to save the setting and close the Settings dialog box.

To display a Money Flow Index Indicator Chart:

  1. From the DTN.IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon. 
  2. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 

The Settings dialog box appears.

  1. Select the Lower Studies tab.
  2. Select Money Flow Index from the available indicators box and click to add the indicator to the displayed indicators box.
  3. Select Money Flow Index from the displayed indicators box.  The indicators parameters should appear on the right.  To edit, follow the instructions below.
  4. Select a Look back Period of 14.


Click on the Custom option button.

Use the up and down arrows to select a Look back Period.

  1. For the Positive Flow or Negative Flow option:
  • Click on its color box.

The Color dialog box appears.

  • Click on a color.
  • Click on OK to close the Color dialog box.
  1. Click on OK to save the setting and close the Settings dialog box.

To display a Average Directional Movement Index Chart:

  1. From the DTN.IQ Smart Bar, click on the Chart icon. 
  2. Click on the toolbar Settings icon. 
  3. The Settings dialog box appears.
  4. Select the Lower Studies tab.
  5. Select Av. Direct. Movm. Index from the available indicators box and click to add the indicator to the displayed indicators box.
  6. Select Av. Direct. Movm. Index from the displayed indicators box.  The indicators parameters should appear on the right.  To edit, follow the instructions below.   .
  7. Select a Smoothing Period of 14.


Click on the Custom option button.

Use the up and down arrows to select a Look back Period.

  1. For the +DI or -DI option:
  • Click on its color box.

The Color dialog box appears.

  • Click on a color.
  • Click on OK to close the Color dialog box.
  1. Click on OK to save the setting and close the Settings dialog box.