Print, Save and Copy Articles Help

You can print articles and save them to a file. You can also copy part or all of the article to the Windows Clipboard and paste it into another application such as Microsoft Word.

To print an article:

  1. From the DTN.IQ SmartBar, click on the News icon.
  2. Open the article you want to print by double clicking on the headline.
  3. Click on the toolbar Print icon.
  4. Select the Number of copies to print.
  5. Click on the Properties button to select Portrait or Landscape; then click on OK to close the Properties dialog box.
  6. Click on OK to close the Print dialog box and print the article whose headline is highlighted.

To save an article:

  1. From the DTN.IQ SmartBar, click on the News icon.
  2. Open the article you want to print by double clicking on the headline.
  3. Click the toolbar Save icon.
  4. Select a folder and file name.
  5. Click on Save.

The current article is saved as a text (.TXT) file.

To bookmark an article:

  1. From the DTN.IQ SmartBar, click on the News icon.
  2. Right click on a headline you want to bookmark and choose Bookmark Story
  3. You can choose to have the bookmark go into a new folder, and existing folder, or directly under main bookmark tree item.
  4. The headline will be placed under the Bookmark tree item for later retrieval

Tip:  Bookmarked articles are only available as long as the article remains on the server.  The length of time stories are archived on the server varies by source.

To Email an article:

  1. From the DTN.IQ SmartBar, click on the News icon.
  2. Right click on a headline you want to email and choose Email Story
  3. Enter the Internet email address where you want the article sent to.
  4. The entire article will be sent to the email address specified.