View and Print Charts Help

You can view Charts with or without grid lines and select the style of the grid lines. You can zoom in to display a detailed view of the data or zoom out to display a full view. You can print the displayed Chart.

To display charts with or without grid lines:

  1. Draw a Chart.
  2. Select the style and color of grid lines.
  3. Click on the toolbar Grid Setting icon  to toggle the grid lines on and off.

To display details or full view of Chart data:

  1. Draw a Chart.
  2. To display a detailed, close-up view of the current Chart data, click on the toolbar Zoom In icon. 


To display a full view of the current Chart data, click on the toolbar Zoom Out icon. 

To print the current chart:

  1. Draw a Chart.
  2. Click on the toolbar Print icon. 

The Print dialog box appears.

  1. Select the number of copies to print.
  2. Click on the Properties button to select Portrait or Landscape; then click on OK to close the Properties dialog box.
  3. Click on OK to print the Chart.